
20 Year Ministry Update!

on AUGUST 22, 2023 by 

Dear Partner and Friend,                                                                                                                                         September 30th 2022

Warrior Nations is celebrating twenty years of being a 501 c-3 nonprofit outreach ministry. Someone gave me and Christy a word when we first stated in ministry that we would have thirty years’ worth of ministry in five to seven years. Wow, were they right! God has […]

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Dear Partners and Friends, July31 st , 2023
Can God furnish a table in the wilderness? Psalm 78:19

Many people are going through tough times in our nation, but I want you to
remember who your God is. He is able to cause water to flow out of a rock in
the desert. There is […]

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Dear Partners and Friends,                                             June 10th, 2023

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.And the peace of God, which passeth […]

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A Mercy Harvest

I was in the sanctuary of our ministry center in Greenwood SC praying about what has happened in Asbury, America, and around the nations in the past few months and the Lord spoke to me. “I am sending a mercy harvest.”

What is currently taking place around the four corners of the […]

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Your Aldersgate!

on MARCH 20, 2023 by 

Dear Partner and Friend, 2-22-2023

“ And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days […]

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As a child one of my favorite Christmas movies was “The Grinch That Stole Christmas.” The Grinch came and stole all the Christmas presents from the little town, but he couldn’t steal their Christmas joy!

I know that it is just a movie, but imagine with me if you will how that same scenario […]

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Are the gifts of the Holy Spirit still in operation today? Is the spirit world real?

Are the gifts of the Spirit still occurring today? Do miracles still happen? Do angels really exist? Are demons real, and if so, can they affect things in the natural? Can a person see into the spirit realm? Many […]

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Every generation has spiritual battles that have the potential to be history changing. In June of this year the Supreme Court handed down a few decisions that touch on what I believe is one of those battles. The court overturned Roe vs Wade and ruled in favor of Kennedy in Kennedy vs Bremerton School District. […]

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WNF Resource Page

Thank you for your partnership with Warrior Nations Fellowship!

We are currently preparing resources for this section of our website. Please call us or email if you have any specific needs.

Shawn Patrick and Christy Williams


WWF directory

What To Cover in Pre-Marital Counseling

WNF Restoration Process


Warring with the Word Basic Training Manual 



2benefitu Non-Insured Discount Medical Plans


Altar protocol

Protocol for Armourbearers-1

Church Planting Training

Small Group Protocol

Rethinking_Evangelism Church Growth








WNF Expense Report 2016

WWF Budget 2017