i3 has a vision to plant other satellite ministry hubs. i3 small groups can function in a region, as well as a hub. Studies have shown that the best way to evangelize an area is to have a church, or hub in that area. i3 has a model for planting a ministry hub. We have this book available on amazon to understand the vision, but more than that, we have a support team and all the training for you to get started. From the planning stages to the launching team and ongoing support we are ready. If you have a burden to see regional transformation in your area, call us for a time of strategy and prayer.

i3 is a multi-generational, multi-cultural ministry that extends all national, international, and socioeconomic lines. We have a passion for God’s presence, kingdom, family, community and the end time harvest.
Regular Service Times
Weekly Service – 4pm Sunday
Revival Services – 7pm Monday & Friday
Prayer – 7pm Tuesday
For more info call our office at (864) 227-0508 or Pastor Reggie Smith at (864) 941-7179.